Scrap your car in Liverpool

Do you need a scrap or salvage vehicle collected? Our experts will come to you. The Scrap Cars for Cash team covers Liverpool, Merseyside and the whole of Britain. We also aim to use auto scrap yards (ATFs) within this area.

Whether you need rid of a scrap car in Birkenhead, a car with a broken cambelt in Wallasey, or need a crash damaged vehicle removed in Bootle; enter the details of the vehicle above and one of our expert collectors will come and collect it – and pay you a great price for it. We also work only with approved auto junk yards, who adhere to end of life vehicle (ELV) guidelines that are monitored by the Environment Agency.

Over the last year we’ve collected over 2806 scrap cars and 535 salvage cars in Liverpool and nearby; including Birkenhead, Wallasey, Bootle, Crosby, Huyton, Kirkby, Prescot and Heswall. The most common models we collected are the Renault Clio, the Vauxhall Vectra and the Renault Scenic.

Local collections in figures:

  • Completed 3341 collections in and around Liverpool
  • Recycled over 2806 scrap vehicles
  • Collected over 535 salvage vehicles
  • The most common vehicle collected was the Renault Clio

The best price, beat all my other offers and collection and payment went with no problems whatsoever.

Scrap your Vehicle in Liverpool

If you’re looking to scrap your car in Liverpool, we can help! It doesn’t matter the size, age, condition, make or model of your car – our knowledgeable team can assist in ensuring you get the best price possible for your old motor. The same is true for if you’re looking to scrap your van or scrap your truck. We can help you to get the most competitive price for scrapping any vehicle.


Where can I scrap my car in Liverpool?

Through Scrap Cars for Cash, it’s so easy to find the best place to scrap a car near you. It doesn’t matter if you’re in Formby, Wallasey or further afield, we can find a vehicle scrap yard to secure you the best price.

How much to scrap my car in Liverpool?

It’s 100% free to scrap your car with Scrap Cars for Cash. The other question we get asked, is how much will I make from scrapping my car? The simple answer is that this depends on the going rate for scrap value. The price is mostly determined by the weight of the car, but other factors like the make and model of the car can also play a part in the final price.

How can I scrap my car in Liverpool?

To get started, pop your reg number and postcode into the form for an instant quote. We’ll then take you through the steps and paperwork. When you’re ready to wave goodbye to your motor, we offer free collection too.